Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thing #15 - Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

I hope Wendy Schultz's "To a temporary place and time" was not written tongue-in-cheek, because of all five viewpoints in this Thing #15 I think she gets it. She takes us full circle from being "management biobots" to Web 3.0's virtual reality information coach to Library 4.0's knowledge spa where with a little time on our side we realize that we like a comfy chair, good lighting, and the quiet to absorb what we came to learn or enjoy. But behind the scenes, we're working to keep the well full and sparkling; to incorporate some of John Riemer's suggestions on libraries beefing up bibliographic data and making more available in one's result list. If this is done "across institutions" who rounds these institutions up to make this work, and who pays for it? Right now to me, it's like pinning down fog. I'm partially in favor of his idea that "libraries should welcome the submission of reviews and other forms of user participation." I welcome reviews by those with expertise in the field but I cannot suffer nonsense reviews. They cheapen the product.

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